Our Project's Mise-en-Scène (FOP)

Hey y'all, we really are coming up on the end, aren't we!

Today I'm discussing the mise-en-scène of the my film opening. We really focused on the lighting and the costume to convey the message and to entice people to want to keep watching. 

In spite of the title, none of our costumes featured candy-related designs or accessories. I was the hill billy named "Bill Loney" (get it?), and my outfit was just meant to look a little rediculous. Ernest was named "Sam Wich" (get it, again?) and dressed in a blue vest that I found at Walmart, and it made sell the part of a store clerk. Johlissa played a regular community citizen named "Anita Job" (come on, you get it now, right?). We only filmed Johlissa's hands because she wanted to remain "anonymous."

Really the key was the lighting. Low-key was the best to do it since it conveyed the dark tone of the situation, and gave a cloud of unease. Of course, the drawback was the grainyness of the film, which we did our best to fix.

With that said and done, I'm out!

C'yall next time!
